Activating Stem Cells Through Food: Enhancing Regenerative Abilities

In this video, Dr. William Lee discusses the regenerative abilities of the human body and how to activate stem cells through food. Stem cells can be damaged by excessive alcohol consumption and high blood sugar levels. On the other hand, the Mediterranean diet has been shown to increase the number of stem cells in circulation. Additionally, both green and black tea can boost stem cell production. Surprisingly, a study showed that consuming dark chocolate can also double the number of stem cells and improve blood flow. Understanding the power of food as a source of information for our bodies can help us curate a targeted diet for better health.

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How does this happen?

Key Insights:

  • Stem cells are present in our bodies and help with regeneration.
  • High doses of alcohol and diabetes can damage stem cells.
  • Stress can affect the activity of stem cells.
  • The Mediterranean diet has been shown to increase the number of stem cells in circulation.
  • Both green tea and black tea can increase the number of stem cells.
  • Drinking dark chocolate hot chocolate twice a day can double the number of stem cells.
  • Food has the power to prevent and reverse disease, and the right foods can enhance stem cells.


When we were in grade school, we learned that starfish and salamanders can regenerate, but humans can’t. However, that’s not entirely true. While we can’t grow new limbs, our bodies do have the ability to regenerate in other ways. In a mini-episode of „The Doctor’s Pharmacy“ podcast, Dr. Hyman talks with Dr. William Lee about activating the body’s stem cells through food to enhance its regenerative abilities.

Stem cells are simple cells that make up our bodies. When our parents created us in the womb, we started as stem cells, with each sperm and egg combining to form a factory of stem cells. After birth, a few of these stem cells stick around, mainly in our bone marrow and intestines. These stem cells help us regenerate, allowing our hair, gut lining, liver, skin, and other organs to grow back when damaged.

However, certain factors can harm our stem cells. High doses of alcohol, for example, can damage and inhibit the activity of stem cells. Similarly, conditions like diabetes and high blood sugar can impair or cripple our stem cells. So, it’s important to avoid excessive alcohol consumption and maintain a balanced lifestyle.

On the other hand, there are things we can do to enhance our stem cells. One surprising way is through diet. A study conducted in Spain found that elderly people following a Mediterranean diet had five times the number of stem cells in their bloodstream compared to those not on the diet. It’s not just one magic food but the overall pattern of eating that matters.

Specific elements of our diet can also boost stem cells. Both green tea and black tea have been found to increase the number of stem cells. Dark chocolate, particularly with high flavonol content, has been shown to double the number of stem cells when consumed as a hot chocolate drink twice a day. This increase in stem cells was associated with improved blood flow.

The research suggests that our choice of foods can influence the activity of our stem cells and, subsequently, our overall health. Food is not just about calories; it carries information that regulates our DNA, stem cells, microbiome, immune system, and angiogenesis. Understanding the impact of food on our bodies helps us curate a targeted diet to prevent and reverse diseases.

The more we learn about the power of food, the more control we have over our health. By choosing foods that elevate us and avoiding poor-quality foods that harm us, we can harness the regenerative potential of our stem cells and improve our well-being.

This episode of „The Doctor’s Pharmacy“ podcast highlights the connection between food and our body’s regenerative abilities, emphasizing the importance of using food as a form of medicine.