Discover the Healthy Natural Elixir for Glowing, Wrinkle-Free Skin

Dr. Alan Mandel shares a natural elixir recipe that can help improve and maintain healthy, wrinkle-free skin. Collagen, the most abundant protein in the body, is essential for connective tissue and skin health. The elixir includes ingredients like almond or soy milk, avocados, dark leafy vegetables, berries, lemons or limes, and raw honey, all of which contain nutrients that promote collagen production and improve skin elasticity. Dr. Mandel advises cutting out sugar, getting enough sleep, and staying hydrated alongside the elixir for optimal skin benefits.

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How does this happen?

Key Insights:

  • Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and plays a crucial role in the health of connective tissues, including the skin.
  • Vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis, as it helps hold cells together during the creation of collagen.
  • Almond milk nourishes and moisturizes the skin, supporting collagen production.
  • Soy milk contains antioxidants that promote collagen production and prevent skin aging.
  • Avocados, with their monounsaturated fat, stimulate anti-wrinkle collagen production and contribute to a healthy complexion.
  • Dark leafy vegetables like kale and spinach provide vitamin C for collagen production and contain antioxidants to protect collagen from breaking down.
  • Berries, rich in anthocyanins, help build and restore collagen, reduce inflammation, and support a smooth and youthful complexion.
  • Lemons and limes boost the immune system, improve digestion, and promote skin elasticity through vitamin C.
  • Raw honey has natural acids that exfoliate dead cells, increase elasticity, and stimulate collagen production.
  • The recommended recipe for the natural elixir includes almond milk or soy milk, avocado, spinach or kale, berries, lemon or lime juice, and raw honey.
  • Consistently drinking the elixir, while cutting out sugars and maintaining proper hydration and sleep, can lead to significant improvements in skin health.


Welcome everyone, Dr. Mandel here. I’d love to share with you a healthy natural elixir that will give you that glowing, wrinkle-free skin. To help your body build collagen naturally, collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and it is the major component that makes up connective tissue, including tendons, ligaments, muscles, and our skin.

So, when it comes to getting the right nutrients, there is nothing better than to get it from our natural whole foods. And without adequate amounts of dietary vitamin C, the body can’t actually form or store collagen. Vitamin C is a mandatory co-factor of collagen synthesis. It’s responsible for holding the cells together during the creation of collagen.

So, these medicinal foods that I’m about to share with you are going to increase the hyaluronic acid in your body. This is what’s going to give you that glowing, wrinkle-free skin.

Almond milk is known to help nourish, soften, and moisturize your skin, leaving it fresher and healthier. Almonds contain proteins that help support collagen production. Soy milk is filled with antioxidants. It promotes collagen production and helps block enzymes that age the skin.

Avocados are one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Its monounsaturated fat is essential for plump, youthful skin. It also stimulates the production of anti-wrinkle collagen, which together with vitamin E makes them the best food to eat for a healthy complexion.

Your dark leafy vegetables, particularly kale and spinach, contain vitamin C, which promotes collagen production. They also contain powerful antioxidants, which help prevent collagen from breaking down.

And when it comes to berries, they’re also on top of the list. It’s those anthocyanins that give those berries that deep, rich color, and that’s what plays an important role in helping the body build and restore collagen. Those anthocyanins reduce inflammation in the skin, particularly from sun damage. Berries will also support the strength of our blood vessel network in your face, which will keep your skin smooth and subtle.

Lemons and limes will boost your immune system. It helps your digestion. The vitamin C in these citrus fruits will help improve skin elasticity by removing toxins from the blood and help cleanse your liver.

Raw honey has antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties, and that will help keep the gut healthier. It is composed of natural alpha hydroxy acids, such as gluconic acid, and that gently exfoliates dead cells. These acids also increase elasticity, balance out oily skin, stimulate collagen production, and minimize fine lines and wrinkles.

I’m now going to share these healthy ingredients that you can put to use immediately. You’re going to need one cup of almond milk or soy milk, 1/4 of an avocado, a handful of spinach or kale, or they can be combined, one handful of berries (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, or blueberries), and those can also be combined, 1/2 lemon juice or lime juice, and one tablespoon of raw natural honey. And if you cannot eat honey, use Stevia or monk fruit.

Now, I like to buy my berries frozen. You’re going to take all the ingredients, put them in a high-speed blender, after a few minutes, it’s going to come out nice and cold and refreshing, and most importantly, the results are going to be amazing. So, drink this elixir daily. This will make big changes to keep your skin beautiful, smooth, and wrinkle-free. But you must cut out those sugars, get your sleep, and make sure you’re hydrating with lots of water.

Please share this video with your friends and family, leave your comments below, and most importantly, make it a great day. I’m Dr. Alan Mandel.