In this video, Dr. Ekberg discusses how breathing can help lower blood pressure and improve overall health. He explains that blood pressure is created by the heart contracting against the resistance from blood vessels. By understanding the balance between the sympathetic („fight or flight“) and parasympathetic („rest and digest“) nervous systems, one can influence their blood pressure through breathing techniques. Dr. Ekberg suggests slowing down the breath, focusing on a smooth pattern, and practicing this regularly to rewire the brain and create a healthier response to stress. He emphasizes the endless benefits of this practice, including improved focus, digestion, immunity, and fertility.

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Key Insights:
- Breathing can help lower blood pressure.
- Blood pressure is dependent on the situation and can vary.
- Exercise is a form of stress that increases the demand on the body.
- Stress is a matter of balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
- Heart rate variability is a measure of the coherence between the brain and heart.
- Slowing down and focusing on breathing patterns can create balance in the nervous system and improve heart rate variability.
- Developing a habit of mindful breathing can rewire the brain and improve overall health and well-being.
Over a billion people in the world have high blood pressure and you can actually lower it by breathing. But the question is, how does that work? How do you do it correctly? And most importantly, how do you do it in such a way that you get long-lasting results? Today, we’re going to cover seven different concepts, seven principles, so that you really understand everything about breathing. And once you truly get the bigger picture, then you can not only lower your blood pressure, but you could literally transform your life.
Blood pressure is the pressure that results from the heart contracting against the peripheral resistance, against the resistance from your blood vessels out in the body. Resting blood pressure for someone who is upright should be around 120 over 80. During intense exercise, you could actually have 220 in blood pressure, and that is normal. So, blood pressure is created and it is dependent on the situation.
Exercise is a form of stress. Stress increases the demand on the body. It is a matter of balance between the sympathetic (fight/flight) and parasympathetic (rest/digest) nervous systems. Sympathetic sends blood out to the muscles, while parasympathetic sends blood to vital organs for digestion, immune function, and healing. These systems are like a seesaw and allocate resources based on the situation.
Emotional stress is also a form of stress. It is thoughts about the unwanted. Paying attention to your breathing pattern can influence heart rate variability, which is the variation in heart rate. By slowing down your breath, you create balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. This balance is crucial for overall health.
Breathing exercises can change your focus, breaking the pattern of emotional stress. Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to reconfigure neural pathways. By practicing breathing exercises regularly, you can develop new skills and habits, contributing to holistic health.
To do a breathing session, focus on your breath and count the seconds. Breathe in for four seconds and out for five seconds. To initiate the breath, use your belly and let it rise. Then allow the breath to rise into your ribcage, without raising your shoulders. Breathe through your nose silently.
There are tools and toys available in the market to help with breathing exercises, but they are not necessary. Paying attention to your breath is enough to get the benefits. Practice breathing exercises regularly for at least six months to develop a habit and experience lasting results. The benefits of breathing exercises are endless, improving blood pressure, cortisol levels, insulin resistance, circulation, digestion, immune function, fertility, and overall health.