How I’ve Reversed Gray Hair and Fought Hair Loss: A Hair Care Protocol

In this video, a man discusses his personal protocol for maintaining and improving his hair health. He shares that he started losing his hair and going gray in his late 20s and has since been working hard to reverse these effects. His daily routine includes wearing a red light therapy cap to stimulate hair follicle activity and increase blood flow, as well as applying a topical formulation containing ingredients such as minoxidil and other additives. He also mentions the use of micro-needling to enhance the benefits of the topicals. Additionally, he shares his approach to reversing gray hair, including the use of special formulations and herbal extracts. He concludes by offering advice for those experiencing hair loss and emphasizing the importance of starting hair care early.

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How does this happen?

Key Insights:

  • Starting a hair care routine before experiencing significant hair loss is important for best results.
  • Using red light therapy with a laser cap for 6 minutes daily can increase blood flow and stimulate hair follicle activity.
  • Applying a topical solution with minoxidil and other ingredients can be effective in preventing hair loss.
  • Micro needling can enhance the benefits of topicals by creating small punctures in the scalp for better absorption.
  • Taking care of the hair by avoiding harsh combing and pulling is crucial for hair health.
  • Gray hair reversal is challenging but can be achieved with the right products and treatments.
  • Using formulations like gr7 and myRocky, along with herbal extracts, can increase the production of color in hair and potentially reverse gray hair.
  • Gray hair reversal requires consistent effort and maintenance.
  • For those overwhelmed by hair care, starting with basic treatments like 5% minoxidil is a good option.
  • Advanced treatments like red light therapy, PRP, micro needling, and experimenting with exosomes can also be effective.


So genetically, I should be bald. I started losing my hair and going gray in my late 20s. I’m now 46, and it’s been a lot of hard work to keep the hair I have today. I’m going to walk you through my protocol and what I do on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. I’ll also share some special tips on how we’ve reversed my gray hair, preliminary results, but we’re encouraged.

Now, it’s important to note that the best time to work on your hair is before you start losing it. Many people wait until they see a lot of shedding, but don’t wait. Start taking care of your hair immediately. If you’re in your early 20s or mid-20s, it’s a good time to start.

The first thing I do every day in the morning is wear this red light therapy cap. It has 32 laser diodes that you put on your head. It’s battery-powered, so I can walk around and do my morning routine without having to sit down. It increases blood flow and stimulates hair follicle activity. The studies on this are pretty good. It’s not the most powerful treatment, but it’s part of my routine. I use it for 6 minutes every day.

The next thing I do is apply a topical to my scalp on a daily basis. You’ve probably heard of topicals like Rogaine and minoxidil 5%. Both are effective. We added other ingredients to our topical formulation based on the evidence, and a local compounded pharmacy makes it for us. I know it’s a hassle, but it’s the only way to get it done. You can also find groups that sell similar formulations, but they may not have all the ingredients we’ve listed. Applying it once a day is enough, but you can do it twice a day if you prefer.

To enhance the benefits of the topicals, we also do micro needling. We haven’t been consistent with this, as we’ve been trying many things in the blueprint protocol. We believe it’s effective, but we were concerned about causing too much trauma to my scalp with all the other treatments. Sometimes I pair micro needling with the topical.

Some basic hair care tips include being careful with your hair, not combing too hard or pulling aggressively. The hair follicles are delicate, so be mindful of that. Avoid having hair pulling fights, as that’s not good for hair care.

Now, let me share what I’m doing for gray hair reversal. I started going gray in my late 20s, and I tried many things to reverse it. Initially, I was all gray by my mid to late 30s. Blueprint has been working on this, and we’ve finally found some success. Many people assume I dye my hair, but I don’t. I haven’t used any chemical processes for the past year. The two formulations I use are GR7 from the UK and MyRoKi, which has an herbal extract that adds color to my hair. Using these together has increased the production of color beneath my scalp.

Gray hair reversal is challenging and requires a lot of effort, just like maintaining your hair when you’re going bald. If you’re losing your hair, I understand the psychological stress and complexity. If everything I’ve talked about seems overwhelming, start with the basic hair formulation, 5% minoxidil like Rogaine. You can find it at many places, and it’s a good place to start. You don’t need the longer formulations like what I use. If you want to try more advanced treatments like red light therapy, PRP, micro needling, and others, go ahead. I’ll be reporting back on a new therapy we’re trying using exosomes, tixel, and exosomes to see their efficacy.

I hope this information is helpful to you and that it helps you slow down hair loss and maybe even restore some of what has been lost.