Quick and Nutritious One Pot Meal: Mixed Millet Kheer Recipe

In this video, the presenter shares a recipe for a one-pot meal called mixed Millet kheer, which is easy to make and highly nutritious. The recipe includes a combination of different types of millets, yellow split moong dal, vegetables, and aromatic spices. The dish is cooked by boiling all the ingredients together for 20-25 minutes until the millets and lentils are well cooked and have a porridge-like consistency. The presenter highlights the health benefits of incorporating millets into the diet, such as regulating blood sugar levels and improving digestion, and emphasizes the convenience and simplicity of this recipe for busy days.

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How does this happen?

Key Insights:

  • This recipe is a one-pot meal and can be called mixed Millet Kit.
  • It is easy to prepare, highly nutritious, and easy to digest.
  • The main ingredients are mixed millets, yellow split moong dal, carrots, and mixed vegetables.
  • Additionally, turmeric powder, cumin seeds, mustard seeds, ghee or oil, and ginger are used for flavor.
  • It is important to wash the mixed millets and yellow split moong dal before cooking.
  • The vegetables and millets are cooked together in a pot with water, turmeric powder, and salt.
  • Once fully cooked, the dish has a porridge-like consistency.
  • The kiter can be garnished with fresh coriander leaves and served hot with yogurt or a slice of lemon.
  • Millets are nutritious as they contain fiber, protein, and antioxidants, which can help regulate blood sugar levels, improve digestion, and reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
  • The colorful vegetables in the kit enhance the flavor and provide additional nutrients.
  • Carrots, in particular, are rich in beta-carotene, which promotes good vision and immune function.
  • The aromatic spices used in the recipe are beneficial for digestion.
  • This recipe requires minimal effort and is a good option for days when there is limited time to cook.
  • Cooking for yourself can be satisfying, and you can make your own variations based on personal preferences.


Namaskar! On some days, you have plenty of time to plan and prepare your meals, but on some other days, you are too pressed for time to cook a full nutritious lunch or dinner. But today, I’m going to give you a recipe that is not only easy to make but also highly nutritious. It is a one-pot meal, and you can also call it a mixed Millet Kheer. This one recipe can satisfy your nutritional requirements for the day and ensure that you get all the necessary nutrients. It is very easy to make and digest. So, let’s see this recipe.

You will need:
– 1 cup mixed millets (you can use a combination of foxtail, little millet, barnyard, and kodo millet)
– 1/2 cup yellow split moong dal
– 2 medium-sized carrots, diced
– 1 cup mixed vegetables (such as peas, beans, and other seasonal vegetables)
– 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
– 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
– 1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
– 1 tablespoon ghee or oil
– 1 teaspoon grated ginger
– Salt to taste
– Fresh coriander leaves for garnishing (optional)

Let’s see how to make this dish:
1. First, wash the mixed millets and yellow split moong dal together under running water.
2. Then, heat ghee or oil in a large pot over medium flame.
3. Add cumin seeds and mustard seeds and allow them to splutter.
4. Add grated ginger and sauté it for a minute.
5. Then, add the vegetables and washed millets along with yellow split moong dal. Stir well to coat the millets and dal with the aromatic mixture.
6. Now, add turmeric powder and salt to taste. Mix thoroughly.
7. Add four cups of warm water and bring the mixture to a boil.
8. Once boiling, reduce the heat to low, cover the pot, and let it simmer for 20 to 25 minutes or until the millets and lentils are well cooked and the mixture has a porridge-like consistency.
9. Once cooked, fluff the kheer with a fork and garnish with fresh coriander leaves if desired.
10. Serve this kheer hot with yogurt or a slice of lemon.

This mild and comforting Millet Kheer is not only nutritious but also easy to digest. You can adjust the water quantity and cooking time based on the millet varieties you choose. Though millets are tiny grains, they contain fiber, protein, and antioxidants. Including them in your diet can help regulate your blood sugar levels, improve digestion, and even reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Lentils, like moong dal, also provide similar benefits. The colorful vegetables in the kheer not only enhance the flavor but also make it nutritious. Carrots, for example, are rich in beta-carotene, which provides vitamin A to your body. It promotes good vision and immune function. The aromatic spices used here are also good for your digestion.

Whenever you have less time to cook, try this Millet Kheer, which also requires very little effort. It’s a good option to have after a long day of work. Feel free to make your own changes and adjustments while cooking. Cooking for yourself is satisfying in so many ways. Make this Millet Kheer and find out for yourself. Namaskar!