The Number One Absolute Best Way to Lose Belly Fat: The Truth Revealed

In this video, Dr. Sten Ekberg, a holistic doctor and former Olympic decathlete, explains that the best way to lose belly fat and keep it off for good is to reduce insulin resistance. He emphasizes that belly fat is not the problem itself, but rather a reflection of something unhealthy happening in the body. Dr. Ekberg dispels the myth that eating fat causes fat gain, and highlights that the body prefers to burn fat as its primary fuel source. He recommends reducing sugar and carbohydrates, increasing healthy saturated fats, and practicing intermittent fasting to improve insulin sensitivity and promote belly fat loss.

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How does this happen?

Key Insights:

  • Belly fat is associated with various diseases, including blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and stroke.
  • Belly fat is an effect, not the cause, of something unhealthy in the body.
  • Cortisol and insulin are the hormones responsible for storing belly fat.
  • Fat phobia is based on misconceptions and outdated studies.
  • Various organs in the body prefer to burn fat as their primary fuel source.
  • The brain uses glucose or ketones as its fuel, depending on the carbohydrate availability.
  • Fat is the preferred fuel for the body, and approximately 74-84% of energy comes from fat before exercise.
  • Saturated fat is a stable and neutral fat that does not promote inflammation.
  • Reducing insulin resistance by reducing sugar and carb intake and increasing saturated fats can lead to the loss of belly fat.
  • Avoid considering any food as a superfood and focus on moderate and natural eating.
  • Losing belly fat is about reducing insulin resistance, not the number of belly crunches or calorie counting.


The number one absolute best way to lose belly fat is by reducing insulin resistance. Belly fat is associated with various diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and stroke. However, many people who try to lose belly fat still struggle with obesity and diabetes. So, in this video, we will discuss the only way to effectively lose belly fat and keep it off for good.

Belly fat is not the problem itself, but rather a reflection of something unhealthy going on in the body. The fat on the belly is a result of high levels of cortisol and insulin, which are triggered by conditions like Cushing’s disease. Cortisol triggers blood sugar, which triggers insulin, and insulin is a fat-storing hormone. This mechanism is responsible for the storage of belly fat.

There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding fat, causing fatphobia in our society. For years, we have been told that fat is bad and that eating fat leads to weight gain. However, fat is actually our body’s preferred fuel source and is essential for proper bodily functions. The idea that fat is bad came from flawed studies that linked heart disease to fat consumption, without considering other factors such as sugar intake. It is important to understand that fat is not the enemy, but rather the type of hormones triggered by the food we eat.

The body stores primarily saturated fat, such as palmitic acid and stearic acid, which are found in high quantities in belly fat. These fatty acids are efficiently stored by the body as a convenient energy source. It does not matter if you consume excess carbohydrates, protein, or fat, as they will all be converted into these fatty acids if not used as immediate fuel. However, consuming excess carbohydrates leads to a higher likelihood of storing that energy as fat due to insulin response.

Contrary to popular belief, fat is the preferred and primary source of fuel for the body. Basal metabolic rate, which accounts for the body’s energy expenditure at rest, uses approximately 85% of its calories from fat. Organs like the liver, muscles, and even the heart rely heavily on fat for energy. The only exception is the brain, which can use glucose or ketones as fuel. In a feasted state, the brain primarily uses glucose, while in ketosis or fasting, it prefers ketones.

A study conducted on mice showed that feeding them stearic acid, a saturated fat, reduced visceral fat (belly fat) by 70%. Additionally, the mice fed saturated fat experienced lower blood sugar levels compared to the other groups. This further supports the notion that reducing insulin resistance is crucial for losing belly fat.

To effectively lose belly fat, it is essential to reduce insulin resistance by minimizing sugar and carbohydrate intake while increasing saturated fat consumption. High-quality saturated fats, along with moderate amounts of monounsaturated fats, such as extra-virgin olive oil, are recommended. However, it is important to understand that moderation is key, as overeating any food, even if it is considered „good,“ will not lead to better results.

Losing belly fat is not about doing countless crunches or obsessively counting calories. Instead, it is about reducing insulin resistance and practicing intermittent fasting, cutting carbs, and filling up on healthy fats until you feel full. It is crucial to embrace natural, unprocessed foods as fuel for our bodies and avoid the notion of superfoods. Remember that losing belly fat permanently depends on reducing insulin resistance rather than any specific exercise or calorie counting.