Top 10 Drinks to Avoid for a Healthy Lifestyle

In this video, the speaker discusses the top 10 drinks that should be avoided due to their negative health effects. They begin with non-dairy creamers, highlighting their high amounts of added sugars, hydrogenated vegetable oils, and various chemicals. Flavored water is also mentioned, cautioning viewers to watch out for added sugars, artificial flavors, sweeteners, and colors. The speaker then addresses the dangers of chocolate milk and milk alternatives, emphasizing their high sugar content and the potential addition of artificial sweeteners. Other drinks on the list include sweetened tea and coffee drinks, milkshakes, sports drinks, energy drinks, sweet tea, and soda or soft drinks. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the need to understand the detrimental effects of sugar on the body and the importance of making informed choices about beverage consumption.

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Key Insights:

  • Avoid non-dairy creamers due to their high levels of trans fat and other harmful additives.
  • Be cautious of flavored water, as it often contains added sugars and artificial sweeteners.
  • Chocolate milk and milk alternatives can be loaded with added sugars and artificial sweeteners.
  • Milkshakes have extremely high sugar content, often surpassing 80 grams per serving.
  • Sports drinks are packed with sugar and artificial ingredients, despite their perceived health benefits.
  • Energy drinks contain excessive amounts of sugar and artificial stimulants.
  • Sweet tea, a popular drink in the American South, can have incredibly high sugar content.
  • Soda and soft drinks are the most toxic drinks to consume due to their high sugar content and widespread consumption.
  • Understanding the harmful effects of sugars, especially fructose, on the body is crucial for making informed choices.
  • Homemade alternatives to commercial sports drinks and sweet tea can provide similar benefits without the excessive sugar content.


Hello Health Champions, today we’re going to talk about the top 10 drinks you must avoid. So many people today pay attention to what they eat, but it’s almost like an afterthought. Everywhere people go, they have to have a drink. They walk, they drive, they carry a drink. And if they don’t pay attention to what that drink is, that can really get them in trouble.

Number 10: Non-dairy creamers. These can come in a powder form or a liquid form, but very often, outside of water, the first ingredient will be something like corn syrup solids or high fructose corn sweetener. And often, the second ingredient would be hydrogenated vegetable oil, which is a really bad fat. They turn it worse by hydrogenating, turning it into a trans fat. Non-dairy creamers are often picked by people trying to avoid dairy, but they often contain sodium caseinate, which is a milk protein. And then there’s a whole list of chemicals like preservatives, artificial flavor, artificial color, and none of these are things that you want in your body.

Number 9: Flavored water. These could be a good product, but very often, they aren’t. They may brag about being made with real fruit juice, but it could be up to three percent, which wouldn’t be a terrible thing if that’s all it was. But very often, they put other sugars or artificial sweeteners in there. Artificial flavors, added sugar disguised as agave, and artificial colors are some things to watch out for in flavored water.

Number 8: Chocolate milk. This could be in a bottle or as an instant mix. Chocolate milk alternatives like vanilla milk or chocolate milk from rice or soy are also not exempt from added sugars like high fructose corn syrup. Some brands even add sucralose. Chocolate milk is often claimed to be a healthy treat due to its calcium content. However, the calcium in pasteurized milk and processed products isn’t easily absorbed. Furthermore, the protein in chocolate milk is not very absorbable, and it usually contains a lot of added sugar.

Number 7: Sweetened tea and coffee drinks. Chai lattes and Frappuccinos are examples of these popular trendy drinks. These are sugar bombs, containing as much as 80 grams of sugar in a single drink. They also contain various artificial flavors, colors, and other chemicals.

Number 6: Milkshakes. Fast food meals often feel incomplete without a milkshake. Wendy’s Frosty contains over 80 grams of sugar, while McDonald’s Thick Shake in the largest size has a whopping 168 grams of sugar. These milkshakes also come with preservatives, artificial colors, and artificial flavors.

Number 5: Soda or soft drinks. These drinks are loaded with sugar and often contain high fructose corn syrup. A typical can of soda contains around 39 grams of sugar. Soda has become a part of modern cultures as a way of life, being consumed mindlessly and often throughout the day.

Number 4: Sports drinks like Gatorade. These drinks aim to replenish fluids and electrolytes, but they also contain a substantial amount of sugar, usually on par with a glass of orange juice or a can of soda. Additionally, sports drinks often contain artificial flavors and colors.

Number 3: Energy drinks. These drinks are essentially sugar water or something worse, with added stimulants like caffeine. While they are marketed as providing energy, it’s purely an illusion. The only way the body can make energy is from a fuel source and oxygen. Stimulants can give the perception of energy by changing priorities and using up resources upfront, ultimately depleting the body.

Number 2: Sweet tea. In some parts of the world, sweetened iced tea is a popular drink. By default, iced tea is served sweetened in the American South. A gallon of sweet tea from a store can contain a staggering 352 grams of sugar. Sipping sweet tea throughout the day can result in excessive sugar consumption.

Number 1: Soda or soft drinks. This is the most toxic drink to avoid. Soda is pervasive and has become a default beverage in many modern cultures. It contains high amounts of sugar and is often associated with negative health effects. The advertising and promotion of soda as a thirst quencher and a way of life contribute to its widespread consumption.

While it’s essential to pay attention to what we eat, it’s equally important to be mindful of the drinks we consume. Many drinks can be loaded with added sugars, artificial flavors, colors, and other chemicals that are harmful to our health. Choosing healthier options and being aware of the potential dangers of certain drinks can support our overall well-being.