In this video, the speaker shares his journey towards discovering the importance of good posture in anti-aging protocols. He reveals that his bad posture was causing restriction in the blood flow to his brain, which could have led to severe consequences like seizures or strokes. With the help of a specialist and physical therapy, he corrected this problem without surgery. The speaker emphasizes that bad posture is a common issue in our modern society due to sitting for long hours and constantly looking down at our phones. He provides five tips for improving posture, including imagining a string pulling up through the spine, avoiding bad posture habits with phones, regular movements throughout the day, and specific exercises to strengthen the necessary muscles. The speaker concludes by highlighting the positive effects of good posture on overall well-being and encourages listeners to consult their doctors for personalized advice.

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Key Insights:
- Posture plays a crucial role in aging and reversing the effects of aging.
- Bad posture can lead to internal jugular vein stenosis, restricting blood flow from the brain.
- Poor posture can potentially contribute to craniological disorders such as early dementia.
- Frequent use of smartphones and sitting for long periods worsen posture.
- Five steps to improve posture include imagining a string pulling the spine straight, avoiding activities that promote bad posture (like looking down at phones), moving every five minutes, and doing specific exercises to strengthen posture-supporting muscles.
- Two exercises recommended for posture include strengthening core muscles by pulling shoulders up and forward and gently moving the head up with slight resistance.
- Improvements in posture can result in reduced soreness and improved muscle strength.
- Maintaining proper posture improves self-confidence and encourages others to do the same.
- Consult with a healthcare professional for a personalized approach to improving posture.
Thank you for the past few years. I’ve been spending millions of dollars trying to create a protocol that slows my speed of aging and reverses the aging that has happened. An important part of that is posture. I never learned good posture in my life, and I found this by actually finding a ticking time bomb. I had internal jugular vein stenosis. These internal pipes that have blood flow from my brain were restricted because of bad posture. My team and I went on this kind of Code Red Alert. We didn’t know how serious it was. Like, was I going to have a seizure? Was I going to have a stroke? I didn’t know. I engaged with a specialist, and I worked on a bunch of physical therapy, and I corrected the problem without surgery.
Hey, can he tell? Nice to see you. So, I remember telling you that, what are the consequences of this long term? This, we’re still in early stages in research. This can have an influence on the development of various craniological disorders, such as early dementia, for example. And I would say it’s plausible. And I know that many share that view.
So, even though you weren’t suffering per se, but you were having some headaches, a little bit of brain fog, stuff like that. We started working on that together with Oliver. And well, we had a pretty good result, didn’t we?
Posture in our modern society is pretty bad. We sit in our chairs all day. We have really bad habits of looking at our phones down on our laps. We’re prone to bad posture. It’s normalized. We don’t even realize it’s happening, but it’s really bad for us. I’m going to share with you five things that you can start off with as you work to have good posture. It takes time. It’s hard. It’s going to make you sore. You’re going to find it to be really uncomfortable, but it’s worth it. So stick with it. It just takes some time to build the muscles.
So, the five things are: First, imagine you have a string going through your spine, up through your head, and it’s pulled straight up. So, when I’m trying to find the right posture position, I’m just imagining someone pulling that string above my head. I’m trying to have my head straight like that. That’s a really nice starting position.
Number two is, I try to avoid things that invite bad posture, and the phone is the worst. You pull it up, and the default position is down. When I have my phone up, I hold it up. It’s awkward, and it’s in, you know, potentially embarrassing to be the person holding your phone up like this. When I put my phone down and I move my head, I instantaneously feel it. I can feel the flow from my jugular veins. I actually stop. I’m that sensitized now to filling this.
Three is, I move every five minutes throughout the day. So, I’ll do a bunch of movements. I’ll do like a lunge, I’ll get down on my knees or raise my arms. I’ll do various stretches to move my body about. It helps me reset my body to have fresh posture.
And then four is, I do two exercises every day that help me strengthen the muscles. And you’ll see this in the video with Kajito. He’ll show you the exact muscles. They’re small, they’re very hard to get to. You’re not going to hit them at the gym by doing bicep curls and lunges and other stuff. They’re really nuanced. So, the first one is, it’s highly technical, and it took me a long time to get this right. You want to have your elbows back, your shoulders like this position weights in your hand. You want to bring your shoulders up and out. But in doing that, you’re strengthening these core muscles around that maintain your posture. Now here’s the thing guys. You want to pull with the shoulders, not with the wrist. So you pull, you hold your wrist back, neck long, and you pull your shoulders up and forward.
The second one is hands on the forehead with some light pressure, and then you’re moving your head up ever so slightly. There’s a lot of patience when they do this, make them put in such an amount of effort in the beginning that they clench to stay there. And patients who have that habit from before, they can do this without it being visible. So, you’re not going to see them doing this. It looks perfectly fine, but they’re clenching to stay there. When I have someone in my office, I put them in a position, and then when they’re not expecting it, I just come in and just without them expecting it, try to turn them. And if there’s resistance, it means they’re clenching to stay there. So, you have to cue them to stop doing that. So, they want to employ minimal effort to stay in beautiful posture.
When you begin working on your posture, you’re going to feel incredibly sore. It’s going to hurt all over, and you’re going to feel all the muscles you never felt. You’re going to find out it takes a lot of muscle to maintain proper posture. Improving my posture has been one of the most important things I’ve done in the entire effort of blueprint. There’s also this really interesting element of identity, where when you maintain proper posture and you put your, you know, you’re standing up straight, it’s a representation that you’re proud of yourself and that you’re okay to be who you are. And you don’t need to shy away from others and be like, „Oh, I’m just, you know, I’m just grateful I’m here.“ Like, you’re proud to be alive, you’re happy to be alive. People are going to immediately identify you have unusual posture. That’s good because everyone around you has bad posture. So, do it. It will have a very positive effect of encouraging others to also be aware. It’s really hard to maintain bad posture when you’re around somebody who’s maintaining good posture. So, it has really positive effects on everyone you’re around.
All this said, make sure you talk to your doctor. I’m speaking from my experience working with my doctors using our medical grade Imaging. But, of course, everybody’s individual case is different. So, I would encourage you to also include your practitioner in terms of anything you’re doing to change your lifestyle.