Concerns Rise as Mortality Rates Increase Despite Vaccination Efforts

In this video, the journalist discusses their concerns about a potential tsunami-like wave of COVID-19 deaths. They mention an interview with Gert Vandenbosch, whose views are sobering and worrying. The journalist also references a tweet questioning the effectiveness of vaccines based on the high mortality rate in Canada. They share data showing an increase in mortality rates in 2022 compared to previous years. The journalist refers to their previous article predicting an autoimmune response to COVID-19 and warns of the potential for a severe wave of autoimmune cases. They emphasize the need for acknowledgment, research, and mitigation strategies to address this potential crisis.

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Key Insights:

  • The speaker had a conversation with Gert Vandenbosch, which left them concerned about the future.
  • They referred to a tweet by Ben M, questioning the effectiveness of vaccines due to record-high mortality rates.
  • The speaker referenced their own article from July 2022, in which they predicted an autoimmune phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • They mentioned their concern about timing and the lack of anticipatory work being done.
  • Data from the Government of Canada’s website was presented, showing high vaccination rates but also increasing mortality rates.
  • The speaker suggested that if COVID-19 is an autoimmune disease, vaccines could exacerbate the problem.
  • They discussed the potential causes of mortality and mentioned the hospital usage of ICU beds in Canada.
  • The speaker compared the current pattern of disease to their previous predictions of subacute autoimmune COVID-19.
  • They emphasized the need for acknowledgment, research, and mitigation strategies to address the potential dangers of variants and autoimmune patterns.
  • Dr. Rob Ruenenbaum provided a summary of Gert Vandenbosch’s book, which can be found on the speaker’s Substack publication.


Hello and good evening, good afternoon, wherever you are. Today, I am concerned and I usually get very sober after any conversations with Gert Vandenbosch. Just a couple of days ago, I had another interview with Gart, and his view, as usual, is very sobering. He is worried, and every time I speak with him, I get worried myself. I have an image beside me here that’s showing what appears to be a tsunami that is just about to happen. This is what I feel like. It’s difficult to know about timing. Here is what I perceive: the tsunami coming towards this town by the sea, as deaths are rising. Now, why am I talking about this today? As I said, part of it is due to Gart, the other part is that I’ve got on my Substack this very good summarization from Dr. Rob Ruenenbaum, who was involved in the interview where he went through Gert’s book in some detail, looking at some of the topics that people struggle with. So it’s well worth taking a look on the site. You can see here the link to the video as well as the time codes for this valuable summation. So if you are interested, absolutely, you have to make sure that you take a look. But even before that, my concern was triggered first by the conversation with Gert and secondly by a tweet that I had seen just today. And as usual, I give credit to whoever has done the tweet. And this is from Ben M., looking at mortality, and he says, „If vaccines are so effective, then why is the mortality rate at record highs?“ And he shows an image here of age-standardized mortality rate for Canada. So what I’ve done is I have then gotten the actual site, and this is what it looks like, and the link is below if you want to play around with the numbers. And so you can see this in a bit more detail here, and it’s showing you the general trend in terms of age-standardized mortality was going down, and this band here represents the upper and lower limits. It’s going down quite nicely until 2019. Then we have the pandemic in 2020, there’s a slight decrease in 2021, and then at the end of 2022, this is where we are. And 2022 is actually the highest it has been since they’ve been measuring since 2011. Now, that’s very, very strange. If there is so much, so many lives being saved, why are people dying? And this is the bit that takes me back to an article that I had done almost a year ago. And I was looking at a prediction that I was concerned about occurring with regards to the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. And this is my article here, and this was done in July 2022. At the time, it actually got censored on LinkedIn because they said that what I was saying was ridiculous. I was saying, „Are you prepared for the COVID-19 tsunami?“ And it’s the same image. And what I was talking about here was the autoimmune research that I had been focused on. This is the image here that basically says that our research suggested that the free ACE2 binds to the viral spike protein, gets picked up by the immune system, and it makes autoantibodies. And this is all paper here that was published in 2021, Theory of Autoimmunity Against ACE2, explained on in Frontiers. And there’s nothing that I have seen so far that would change my perspective at this point. I was concerned about three types of COVID. You had acute respiratory COVID, and I said that these presentations will be reduced as the majority of the population has been either exposed to COVID-19 or vaccinated. That was my thought, and that’s what happened. However, subacute and autoimmune COVID-19 could present in many different ways: thromboembolic disease, as heart attack, stroke, peripheral vascular disease; immune exhaustion, unusual neurological presentations; worsening frailty and confusion in the elderly; rapid lung deterioration after COVID-19 infection, plus organ dysfunction post-COVID. So all of this that I had been talking about, I had predicted almost a year ago. That was in July. We are now in June. My concern is that one, it’s very difficult to understand about timing, and even more difficult if we don’t do any kind of anticipatory work. So here is the bit about Canada that I find interesting, and Canada I have been following for some time. So I’ve taken some data from the Government of Canada’s website. This is their COVID-19 vaccination coverage, Government of Canada, and this was last updated on the 5th of May 2023. And when we look at the groups in terms of the age groups, you can see here, the percentage of people who have been vaccinated, you can see that in the over 80 groups, it’s almost 99%. The 97, 95, 90, 90, 88, 86, and even in the 12 to 17 age group, it is 83%. Now, that is remarkable. And so Justin Trudeau would be feeling very happy that he has managed to implement such a system that vaccinated the whole population. And on the normal circumstances, that would be good except if COVID-19 is an autoimmune disease where potentially vaccination can exacerbate that autoimmune problem. Well, who is to tell? When we look at the image here again, it shows only even the 12 to, this is this one here is the 5 to 11 age group. That’s almost 50% vaccinated in Canada. So this is a country that has significantly invested in the vaccination program. So with that in mind, why would you have mortality rising? Remember 8/17 versus 8/11. It’s rising higher than it has ever been over the past 10 years, yet a significant percentage of the population has been vaccinated. What are they dying of? That’s the next question. Because if they’ve been vaccinated, they shouldn’t be dying with regards to COVID-19. What really would they be dying of? Well, when you look carefully again at the statistics, and this is now showing the hospital usage of the ICU beds, and this is up to date up to June 6th, 2023, and they’re showing the total numbers of patients who are hospitalized by COVID-19. And you can see here the trend seems to be going down, but if you look carefully, this was in 2020, and the peak of Delta here in 2021 is just a bit higher than where it is today. Most of the patients are not in ICU beds, but the patients who are in ICU are lower, and the patients who are ventilated are lower. So this again fits in with exactly what I had been saying when I thought about what would be happening in terms of COVID-19. We would be seeing a different pattern of disease. And I go back to what I had predicted just over a year ago. This is suggesting that this is more about the subacute autoimmune COVID-19, where they don’t have severe lung problems, but they are having significant other conditions that are likely to be triggered by the autoimmunity that we predicted from March 2020. There’s no pleasure in being able to say, „I think I identified this early,“ because my biggest concern has been that there has been no focus on mitigation strategies. Because if there is no acknowledgment that this is happening, that this is part of the problem that we need to delineate, there is no opportunity to mitigate. Based on what Gert has been saying with regards to a more dangerous virus variant coming forward, and when you combine it with those autoimmune patterns, we have one heck of a tsunami coming towards us. What can we do? What’s our first thing to do? It’s to acknowledge, then to research, then to mitigate. Just a reminder, if you want to see the summary by Dr. Rob Ruenenbaum, please click on the link below for Substack, and you’ll be able to read it there and watch it for free. Have a great evening, everyone. I hope that this was of value to you, and I look forward to speaking to you again. Thank you.