In this video, John Oone, a funeral director, discusses his concerns about the white fibrous clots that he has been seeing in the circulatory system of deceased individuals. He first noticed these clots in 2021, particularly in younger people who were dying suddenly. Oone believes that these clots are causing these sudden deaths and that the high number of excess deaths in recent years correlates with the appearance of these clots. Despite raising his concerns with coroners and authorities, he has faced gaslighting and indifference. Oone also mentions that all the individuals with these clots that he has encountered have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

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Key Insights:
- In 2021, a significant increase in sudden deaths of younger individuals has been observed by funeral director, John.
- The appearance of white fibrous clots in the circulatory system of deceased individuals was first noticed in 2021.
- The clots are predominantly found in the arteries, obstructing blood flow and impacting circulation.
- The clots are different from traditional clots, being tougher, rubbery, and fibrous in nature.
- It is estimated that around 25% of bodies encountered by John have these white clots.
- Concerns raised by funeral directors and other professionals regarding these clots have been ignored or dismissed by coroners and pathologists.
- An increase in high blood pressure and heart failure is suspected to be connected to the appearance of these clots.
- Reports indicate that all individuals with these white clots were previously vaccinated.
- Coroners, police, and some medical professionals have shown disinterest or actively tried to hide the issue.
- Jonn suspects that the coroner system and the overall system of addressing deaths are failing to respond adequately to this new pathology.
- Based on observations, these clots appear to develop gradually before death, contributing to the increased mortality rate.
- Concerns have been raised over the sudden increase in aggressive cancers and brain tumors, particularly in vaccinated individuals.
- The police and government officials have been unresponsive or have dismissed these concerns, often suggesting to receive booster shots instead.
- John emphasizes the need for truth, honesty, and raising awareness to hold those responsible accountable and mitigate further harm.
- Despite potential personal risks, John is committed to speaking out for the greater good and hopes that truth and justice will prevail.
Well, welcome to this talk, and it’s really quite an important one, and I’m delighted to welcome Mr. John oone from the funeral director from Milton Keen’s Family Funeral Services Limited, real place, real time. John, thanks so much for coming on. You’re most welcome. Thanks for having me on, John.
Now we started talking because we’ve got a mutual concern about these white fibrous clots that are coming out of the circulatory system of many deceased individuals. Yes, and you involved in this embalming process. John, that the blood is taken out and replaced with embalming fluid. When did you first notice something?
So, really in 2021, about halfway through, we started seeing lots and lots of people who were passing away suddenly, who were a lot younger than those that we were used to. You know, as a funeral director, I’ve been a funeral director for 18 years. 10 years I spent working for one of the big man funeral providers, the last 8 years I’ve I’ve worked myself running my own funeral home, and you kind of get to know in very much the same way as doctors in general practice know who should present when at what time of the year and what numbers, and the numbers were very off. We were seeing and we continue to see lots and lots of young sudden deaths, which correlate perfectly, of course, with the humongous amount of excess deaths that we’re seeing that nobody seems to want to address.
So these white clots, just to be clear, the first time you can remember seeing them was 2021, not 2020 and never before that? No, and I’ve got so in the 18 years that I’ve been a funeral director, seven of those years I were spent working for the coroner. So my job was body recovery, and I would recover people in all different various states. And whilst I wouldn’t know the Latin term for every element and nerve, I could tell you what’s normal and what isn’t normal. And I’ve got a bio register in Bama who works for me full-time, who’s done 22 years, and he’s never seen them before 2021. No Mhm. So some people think they’ve seen some small ones in 2020, but that’s not your experience. It’s 2021 they started midway through 2021. Yes, 100%. Yeah. And that just happens to correlate with being six months after the onset of some therapeutic intervention or other. 100%, yeah. That I can tell you I definitely believe that’s what’s causing this. What’s most, it’s not the fact that we’re seeing it because it’s become normalized now, but it’s the reaction of the people when you raise the alarm and try to raise concerns about it. Nobody’s interested, we’re getting pretty much the same reaction that Andrew Briddon, for example, is getting in Westminster.
So you made two really good points there, John, first of all, this is something you’re still seeing frequently. What kind of the bodies that you are embalming? What sort of frequency are we talking about? I would say around a quarter, um, of the bodies, 25%, yeah, around 25% overall. It’s very interesting because as a funeral director, there are two types of death. We’ve got sudden deaths and we’ve got expected deaths. Where there’s a sudden death, quite often, those people are given a postmortem. During the postmortem process, obviously, the organs are removed. They’re then, they take blocks and slides and then they place the organs in a bag, and the bag goes back in the cavity and it’s sewn up. So clearly, the embalming process is very different for someone who’s been chopped about for one of a better word. And we have to literally open them up, take those organs out, and manually target the arteries inside the body cavity of that deceased. And that is where you see them then because you’re at the very core of that person’s body, and you can see the… I mean, I’ve got an example here, thank you. This is a particular sample we took recently from a deceased, and it was taken from the arteries purely because it was an obstruction. We couldn’t get the embalming pump in the arteries to put the fluid around their body. And this is why. It was interesting because I watched what you said a couple of nights ago on Night the other night about them being a cast, and they are exactly that. They grow inside the arteries and veins, and they take the exact shape of those arteries and veins. And what I suspect is happening is, some people, for whatever reason be that blood type or what they’ve been given, perhaps they’re reacting in this way where they’re growing this stuff inside them and it’s growing inside their arteries to the point where they’re not getting adequate circulation, and they’re falling over and they’re dying. That’s my theory based on what I’m seeing.
And to be clear, you’re getting this from the venous circulation and the arterial circulation, yes, predominantly actually the arterial. As a funeral director, when we embalm, we go into the arteries and we feed the fluid around the arteries, and then it vacates the body via the venous. So, I’m noticing in arteries, and it used to be really only in the veins that you would see the odd clot because it’s lower pressure, it’s a return system, and there’s high pressure in arteries, so you wouldn’t normally see it. But the clots that we’re seeing are very different from normal clots. They traditionally like a red jelly clot. You couldn’t pick them up, you couldn’t hold them, they were fatty bits. You could wash them down a plug hole, for example. These, they’re like calamari, they’re like rubber, and they’re not like squid. Yes, I don’t know if you’ve had any samples off anyone; I’ll be happy to send you some. They’re very tough and very fibrous. And when you look at drugs like Heparin, which are traditionally used to thin the blood and break down clots, it’s not going to touch these, John. It’s a totally different thing, it’s a totally different thing, yeah. So, things like Heparin will prevent clots from forming. It won’t actually dissolve the clots. We do have thrombolytic therapy in hospitals but breaks down the fibrin, yes, but these are something else. They’re like, I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s very grisly, very rubbery, very tough. I have a great worry that anyone with this, I don’t see how they’re going to get it out of themselves without it being physically removed, which obviously would be very invasive and a very dodgy thing. You know, you start pulling this out of live patients, it’s a real challenge. You know, it’s a real worry.
Now, you told me a distressing story this afternoon, being careful to protect confidentiality, of course. We’re dealing with a young adult who died suddenly. Yes, so this gentleman died suddenly. He was given a postmortem as a direct result. During the postmortem process, they open the body cavity, they take the organs out, and inevitably, they’re cut out. They do blocks and slides and tests to try and ascertain the reason this young man died. Then, those organs are placed back in a bag, and that bag is put in the body cavity, the body cavity is sewn up, and the deceased is then released to us as Funeral Directors. Now, being he was a young man, he had a big social circle, people wanted to see him. So, the family asked us to embalm him, and we did so. So, you have to open the body cavity up, take the organs out in the bag, and then manually target the seven arteries that you see in and around the body cavity. And these include, for example, the radial arteries in the arm, the femoral arteries in the top of the leg, and you can physically see them like cut straws. Some people have very large arteries, like kind of as big as my finger. Other people’s might be slimmer, like the kind of width of a Biro pen, and everything in between. They’ll do the same job. And when we’ve gone to put the embalming nozzle down the artery to pump fluid into that limb, it’s obstructed. It’s obstructed by a blockage. My embalmer has called me, and we, I’ve gone over and had a look, he’s removed this… low… And as he’s pulled it out with tweezers, the clot has come out the full length of this young man’s leg. Yeah, the full length, nearly 3 ft long. It initially appears to be very similar to a normal clot, but then when you wash them off and you wash the blood off, they’re bright white. And if you don’t get all of the blood off, once you place them in formalin, the formalin will burn that blood, and they go black. So, if you wash them right off properly, they stay bright white. They’re not normal, they’re not usual. And so, we did, and I emailed my local coroner and kind of said, you know, we’ve had this young guy in, I know you’ve looked at him because he’s had a postmortem. I’m really concerned because we’re seeing really strange clots in him that we haven’t seen before. And I sent an email because I wanted a paper trail. John, that usually with my coroner, they’re very good, they’ll get back to me within the hour, I sent an email, sometimes less, didn’t get a reply. So, three or four days later, I received a phone call, and it was from one of the girls in the office. She spoke to the pathologist. The pathologist wasn’t concerned, asked me to dispose of the samples and actually suggested that it grows inside people regularly postmortem. You know, it doesn’t, you know, it doesn’t. Of course, I worked for the coroner for seven years. Now, to expect me to believe that when you die, rubber fills your arteries, is ridiculous, it’s fantasy. And I actually felt quite insulting, yeah. I felt quite insulted that they would think that I was that stupid. And that was where we left it. And subsequent emails I’ve written voicing concerns been totally ignored. They ask you to dispose of the evidence under the Play, yeah, of course, yeah. And so, I wrote to the Chief Coroner of England because I’m not talking about one death now, I’m talking about dozens, raising concerns. Dozens, dozens of people that have died suddenly and you find these white rubbery things, their circulation, that shouldn’t be there. I mean, I’ve got a bio registered in Bama who’s done 22 years, he says exactly the same. And it’s very interesting that the BIE have openly threatened, it’s the British Embalming Association, yes, they’ve openly threatened their members with disciplinary reaction if they raise any concerns. Which actually breaks one of their oaths. Oath number four is that they will voice concerns if there are any. They’re not doing that, they’re hiding it totally, and they’re actually intimidating their members. So, they have a monthly magazine that’s released to all of the BIE members, and they’ve openly mentioned me as a funeral director, warned them not to speak to me, and say if there’s any confirmed concerns, go directly to the lady who runs it, and not to speak out to anyone. Why would you do that? Surely, if you see something inside someone that shouldn’t be there, you should voice those concerns. You know, as a funeral director, certainly for me, I have two reasons that I would voice concerns. Let me explain. If I go to the hospital, John, and I pick someone up and I bring them back to my place, and I roll them over on the tray and they’ve got a knife sticking out their back, or a puncture wound, I have a moral obligation as a decent human to raise that concern. I also have a legal obligation to raise that concern. We’re raising these concerns, nobody is listening, and when I emailed the Chief Coroner of England, I CC’d in around 15 or 20 very eminent people, that included Dolores, Professor Dolores Cahill, Dr. Tess Laurie, Dr. Steven Frost, and others. And I didn’t get a reply. So, I emailed again and said, „Look, what are you doing about all of these deaths that we are seeing? This isn’t right.“ And I got a for-word response from his secretary, and it said, „We follow government policy.“ It was kind of the most revealing answer they could have given. An admission without actually admitting anything. So, basically, they follow government policy. Now, government policy is this: if you die from a thrombosis, it could be a jellybean in your artery, it could be sawdust. It all comes under the same umbrella term of a thrombosis, a blockage, a thrombotic blockage. They won’t dig any further than that. And the reason for that is that is government policy.