Top 10 Worst Foods Recommended by Doctors for a Healthy Diet

In this video, Dr. Sten Ekberg, a holistic doctor and former Olympic decathlete, discusses the top 10 worst foods often recommended by doctors as part of a supposedly healthy diet. He breaks down the reasons why these foods may not be as beneficial as they seem, focusing on their impact on insulin, glycemic index, fructose, inflammation, and allergies. The foods discussed include whole grain bread, cereal, corn, oatmeal, fruit, soy, dairy, eggs, vegetable oils, margarine, and red wine. Dr. Ekberg emphasizes the importance of understanding the effects of these foods on overall health and making informed food choices.

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Key Insights:

  • 95% of diseases related to metabolic syndrome, such as diabetes and heart disease.
  • Foods should be evaluated based on their impact on insulin, fructose, glycemic index, inflammation, and allergies.
  • Whole grain breads have a high insulin response, high glycemic index, and can cause inflammation.
  • Cereals, even slightly sweetened ones, have high insulin and glycemic index responses, contain fructose, and can cause allergies.
  • Corn is a grain, not a vegetable, and has a medium to high insulin response, high glycemic index, and can cause allergies.
  • Steel-cut oats are a better option than instant oats, which cause higher blood sugar spikes.
  • Fruits, while containing vitamins and minerals, have medium to high insulin responses and can cause allergies.
  • Soy is difficult to digest, leading to high inflammation and common allergies.
  • Low-fat dairy, such as skim milk, raises insulin levels, causes inflammation, and can lead to allergies.
  • Egg whites are more commonly allergenic than egg yolks, and the whole egg is more beneficial for protein utilization.
  • Vegetable oils, such as soy, corn, and canola, are pro-inflammatory, contain empty calories, and can cause allergies.
  • Margarine is made from vegetable oils, contains trans fats, and is not recommended.
  • Red wine, while containing some health benefits like resveratrol, is high in alcohol, burdens the liver, and should be consumed in moderation.
  • Relaxation and stress reduction can be achieved through various means, not just through drinking wine.


Hello Health Champions. I’m sure you know that things like diabetes, obesity, and heart disease are rampant, but with all the conflicting information about food, how do you even know what to eat? Today I want to cover the top 10 worst foods that are most often recommended by doctors as part of a supposedly healthy diet, and I will show you why they may not be so great for you after all.

When we talk about healthy food, we have to first understand what we are trying to accomplish and what we are trying to avoid. About 95 percent of all the diseases that people die from are related to something called metabolic syndrome or syndrome x. This is like an umbrella for all the things that happen when people have type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, cancer, and obesity. These are all strongly associated with each other, so good or bad foods will depend on how they affect variables like insulin and insulin resistance.

One key factor to consider is fructose, a sugar that can only be processed by the liver. Fructose is about as bad as alcohol for the liver, and excess consumption can lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This is a growing problem among children who consume a lot of sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

Another factor to consider is the glycemic index, which measures how quickly blood glucose rises after eating a certain food. Foods with a high glycemic index cause blood glucose to rise quickly, leading to insulin resistance, blood sugar swings, and inconsistent energy levels.

Inflammation is also an important factor to consider. Some foods, like bread and gluten grains, can trigger a high inflammatory response in the body, even in people who do not have celiac disease or known sensitivities.

Now, let’s look at the top 10 worst foods in no particular order:

1. Whole grain bread or wheat bread: These have a high insulin response and glycemic index. They also contain fructose, albeit in small amounts. They can cause inflammation and have a low fiber content compared to other sources.

2. Cereal: Many cereals have a high glycemic index and contain fructose. They can also cause inflammation and allergies in some individuals.

3. Corn: Despite being a vegetable, corn is a grain and has a medium to high insulin response and glycemic index. It is also a common allergen.

4. Oatmeal: Oatmeal can have a medium to high insulin response and glycemic index, depending on the type. It is relatively low in fructose, but can still cause inflammation and allergies in some individuals.

5. Fruit: While fruits are generally considered healthy, they can still pose some issues. Fruits contain fructose, which can contribute to insulin resistance. They can also cause inflammation and allergies in some individuals. Additionally, consuming dried fruits can lead to higher fructose intake.

6. Soy: Soy can have a low insulin response and glycemic index, but it is highly processed and can cause inflammation and allergic reactions in many people. Additionally, most soy is genetically modified.

7. Skim milk: Skim milk has a medium insulin response and glycemic index. It may also cause inflammation and is not as beneficial as whole milk due to the removal of fat.

8. Egg whites: While egg whites are often considered a lean protein, they have a lower protein utilization compared to whole eggs. By consuming the whole egg, you can utilize more protein efficiently.

9. Vegetable oils: Vegetable oils, like soy, corn, and canola oils, are highly processed and pro-inflammatory. They are also commonly genetically modified.

10. Margarine: Similar to vegetable oils, margarine is made from soy, corn, and canola oils. It may contain trans fats, which have been linked to various health issues.

It’s important to note that these foods may not be terrible in moderation or in comparison to a highly processed diet. However, to truly optimize health and reverse certain conditions, it is recommended to focus on whole and natural foods like avocados, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and high-quality sources of protein and fats.

Remember, everything is relative, and making small improvements in your diet can have a significant impact on your health.