Unveiling the Truth: Myths and Misconceptions about Blood Pressure

In this video, Dr. Ekberg discusses ten ways to naturally lower blood pressure. He addresses some of the myths and misconceptions surrounding blood pressure and explains how the body regulates it. The ten ways suggested, which are from the Mayo Clinic, include losing weight, exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, reducing sodium intake, limiting alcohol consumption, quitting smoking, reducing caffeine, reducing stress, monitoring blood pressure, and seeking support. Dr. Ekberg emphasizes the importance of understanding the mechanisms behind these recommendations and focusing on the root causes of high blood pressure, such as insulin resistance and increased fuel delivery needs.

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How does this happen?

Key Insights:

  • Normal blood pressure is 120 to 180, with variations depending on the individual.
  • Losing weight and reducing belly fat can lower blood pressure by reducing insulin resistance.
  • Exercise stimulates the brain, which helps manage blood pressure by reducing stress.
  • Eating a healthy diet is advised, but avoiding high-carbohydrate diets that promote insulin resistance is important.
  • The belief that sodium causes high blood pressure is a misconception. The body has mechanisms to regulate blood pressure and get rid of excess sodium through pressure diuresis.
  • Limiting alcohol intake is beneficial for blood pressure, as small amounts can help relax and reduce stress, while larger amounts can lead to fatty liver and insulin resistance.
  • Quitting smoking allows for better oxygen delivery, which can lower blood pressure.
  • Reducing caffeine intake can help lower blood pressure, as caffeine acts as a vasoconstrictor.
  • Reducing stress and learning to manage responses to stress through meditation and relaxation exercises can help control blood pressure.
  • Regularly monitoring blood pressure is advisable, but caution is needed when seeing a doctor, as some may unnecessarily prescribe medication.
  • Instead of seeking support groups to cope with high blood pressure, it is important to address the root causes and work towards restoring health.


Today I’m going to talk about some of the myths and misconceptions around blood pressure so that you understand how it works. This way, you don’t have to waste time and get lost in the details that are not going to help you. Instead, you can focus your effort on the mechanisms that will make you better. The 10 ways I’m going to talk about are straight off of the Internet, specifically from the Mayo Clinic. These are their top ten ways to control blood pressure without medication. Let’s discuss them.

First of all, let’s go back to the basics. Normal blood pressure is 120/80. That is optimal for most people, but there are some natural variations. Anywhere from 120/80 to 140/90 could be normal for you. However, if your blood pressure starts to go up, it might indicate something.

The first way to lower blood pressure is to lose weight and watch your belly fat. However, it’s not the belly fat causing the issue, but rather insulin resistance. By reducing insulin resistance through methods like low carb diets and intermittent fasting, you can lose weight and reduce blood pressure.

The second way is to exercise regularly. Exercise stimulates the brain, which ultimately manages blood pressure. By exercising, you can activate the frontal lobe, which reduces stress and helps manage blood pressure.

The third way is to eat a healthy diet. However, the accepted definition of a healthy diet may not be ideal. Following a high carbohydrate diet can increase insulin resistance and blood pressure. It’s better to focus on low carbohydrate diets, intermittent fasting, and a keto diet to reduce cravings, hunger, and insulin resistance.

The fourth way is to reduce sodium. How sodium affects blood pressure is a common misconception. While sodium does temporarily increase blood volume, the body has a mechanism called pressure diuresis that eliminates excess sodium. Exercising, for example, increases blood pressure but doesn’t cause diuresis because it’s appropriate during exercise. The body has various mechanisms to regulate blood pressure, so identifying the root cause of high blood pressure is essential.

The fifth way is to limit alcohol consumption. Moderate amounts of alcohol can actually lower blood pressure by reducing stress. However, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to fatty liver and insulin resistance, so moderation is key.

The sixth way is to quit smoking. Smoking blocks oxygen-carrying capacity, making the body work harder to deliver fuel. By quitting smoking, the body can carry more oxygen, reducing blood pressure.

The seventh way is to reduce caffeine intake. Caffeine acts as a form of stress and temporarily increases blood pressure. However, for healthy individuals, this temporary effect doesn’t cause any long-term issues.

The eighth way is to reduce stress. Stress is the perception that the body needs more resources, causing an increase in blood pressure. While it’s impossible to completely avoid stressful situations, you can change your responses to stress through meditation, relaxation exercises, and breathing exercises.

The ninth way is to monitor your blood pressure and see your doctor regularly. Monitoring blood pressure can help identify potential issues, and seeing a doctor can provide guidance on returning to homeostasis. However, it’s important to find a doctor who understands and addresses the root causes of high blood pressure.

The tenth way is to join a support group to cope with the condition. This approach assumes that all these conditions are permanent, chronic, and incurable. However, if we understand the simple mechanisms behind these conditions, we can address the root causes and restore health.

In summary, while there is some good advice in the top ten ways to control blood pressure, it’s important to understand that most issues related to blood pressure can be traced back to insulin resistance or an increased need for fuel due to factors like stress or smoking. By focusing on these root causes, you can effectively lower blood pressure and improve overall health.