15 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Weight Loss Goals

This video discusses 15 common mistakes people make when practicing intermittent fasting that can lead to weight gain or plateauing. The first mistake is consuming too many carbohydrates, which triggers insulin resistance and storage mode. Eating too much protein or fat can also hinder weight loss. Consuming too many or too few calories and not exercising enough can impact metabolism. Additionally, not drinking enough water, letting hunger get out of control, and experiencing stress or poor sleep can affect weight loss goals. Other potential mistakes include not changing up fasting patterns, combining carbs and fat, using sweeteners, and consuming bulletproof coffee or bone broth during fasting periods. The video emphasizes the importance of understanding these principles and adjusting accordingly to achieve desired results.

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Key Insights:

  • Eating too many carbs can prevent weight loss and maintain insulin resistance.
  • Eating too much protein can stall weight loss, especially if your body is stubborn.
  • Eating too much fat can hinder weight loss if you’re not burning the fat stores in your body.
  • Eating too many calories, or too few calories, can negatively affect your weight loss journey.
  • Drinking enough water is essential during intermittent fasting.
  • Getting too hungry can lead to overeating and choosing low-quality foods.
  • Exercising is necessary for optimal health and can help accelerate weight loss.
  • Stress, poor quality sleep, and irregular sleep can hinder weight loss.
  • Changing up your fasting patterns and types of foods can prevent your body from plateauing.
  • Combining carbs and fat, using sweeteners, and consuming bulletproof coffee and bone broth can potentially break a fast, but their effects depend on individual responses.


Intermittent fasting is a popular method for losing weight, but some people struggle to see results or even gain weight. In this video, we will discuss 15 intermittent fasting mistakes that you should avoid in order to reach your weight loss goals.

The first goal of intermittent fasting is to burn fat and maintain your basal metabolic rate. Restricting calories and yo-yo dieting can slow down your metabolism, making it difficult to lose weight in the future. To prevent this, you need to reduce insulin resistance and keep your muscle mass. Many people are afraid that fasting will cause them to lose muscle, but that is not true.

One common mistake is eating too many carbs. While some people can handle a moderate or high-carb diet while fasting, most people need to limit their carbohydrate intake to trigger fat burning and avoid insulin resistance.

Eating too much protein is another mistake. High protein consumption can also trigger insulin release, which can hinder weight loss. Finding the right balance is crucial.

Although the keto and low-carb diets advocate for high-fat intake, it is still possible to consume too much fat. If you consume more fat than your body needs, it won’t burn the fat stored in your body.

Calorie intake is important, even though intermittent fasting focuses more on when you eat rather than calorie counting. It is possible to eat too many or too few calories, resulting in weight gain or a lowered basal metabolic rate.

Drinking enough water is essential during intermittent fasting. Water helps maintain hydration and proper cell function. Many times, people mistake thirst for hunger, leading to unnecessary eating.

Avoid getting too hungry or attempting to fast for longer durations than your body can handle. This can lead to overeating and making poor food choices.

Exercise is crucial for overall health and weight loss. Weightlifting and high-intensity exercise can increase growth hormone levels, which plays a significant role in muscle preservation and metabolism. Including exercise in your intermittent fasting routine can help break through weight loss plateaus.

Chronic stress triggers the release of cortisol, which can increase insulin resistance. Lack of sleep can also lead to higher cortisol levels and difficulty in reversing insulin resistance.

To keep your body responsive to intermittent fasting, it is important to change things up. Adjust your fasting patterns, meal sizes, and types of foods you consume to prevent your body from adapting and hitting a weight loss plateau.

There are a couple of debatable points related to intermittent fasting. Some argue that combining carbs and fats when breaking a fast can spike insulin levels. However, the body does not become extremely insulin sensitive immediately after fasting. Monitoring your blood sugar levels after consuming sweeteners can help you determine if they break your fast.

Bulletproof coffee and bone broth are sometimes used during fasting. While they technically break the fast, they can still be beneficial if they help you stay on track. However, excessive consumption can hinder weight loss goals.

Remember that everyone is different, and what works for others may not work for you. Understanding the principles of intermittent fasting and experimenting with different approaches can help you find the right strategy to achieve your weight loss goals.