In this video, the journalist shares their experience of training their eyes for 30 days to improve their vision. They explain that factors such as excessive screen time, limited exposure to natural light, and lack of proper eye movement can negatively impact eyesight. The exercises they performed included blinking, focusing on objects while moving the head, and using pinhole glasses. After the training period, they noticed an improvement in their vision and were able to read smaller text from a distance. While eye exercises may not be a cure, they believe that they can be beneficial for maintaining and improving vision.

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Key Insights:
– Electronic devices, such as smartphones and computers, negatively impact our eyesight due to prolonged usage.
– Spending the majority of our time indoors can also have a negative impact on our eyesight.
– Lack of proper eye movement and blood flow can lead to degeneration of eyesight.
– Eye exercises can help improve and maintain vision.
– The video creator trained their eyes for 30 days using eye exercises and a special tool called pinhole glasses.
– The exercises included blinking, focusing on objects while moving the head, and moving the eyes in various directions.
– The pinhole glasses helped improve vision within a few minutes of wearing them.
– The video creator’s vision improved by 0.25 points after 30 days of eye exercises.
– Eye exercises may not be a cure, but they can benefit various eye conditions and help relax the eyes.
– Spending more time outdoors and properly moving our eyes can contribute to better eye health.
Has anyone ever looked at you like this? If your answer is yes, don’t worry, they are not mad at you. They just have bad eyes, like me. That’s why I trained my eyes for 30 days to show you whether exercises and a special tool could fix that.
In today’s life, there are three things that affect our eyesight in a negative way. Number one, the electronic devices we have around us 24/7. We look at our smartphones and computers for many hours a day, training our eyes to get used to that particular distance.
Number two, spending the majority of our time inside. According to the EPA, the average American spends 93% of their life inside, and the average room is less than 20 square meters. It’s like putting our eyes in a cage. Imagine if I gave you these weights to train with, and after one month of training, I would challenge you to lift heavier weights. That would be impossible.
Number three, we don’t move our eyes properly. When was the last time you looked at something without moving your head in the same direction? You may not remember because we usually don’t. Well, maybe because you would look like a creep. But without movement, there is less blood flow in your eyes, and any body part that is not well perfused with blood will degenerate anyway.
When I was 17, I had to take an eye test for my driver’s license, and what a surprise, I failed. Basically, because I’m blind in my left eye and 43% blind in my right eye. I don’t see much of anything. The moment I put on my glasses for the first time, I felt like, „Is this real life?“ Unfortunately, I hate wearing glasses.
A long time ago, I heard about eye exercises but was always too skeptical and too lazy to give them a try. Well, eye surgery would be another option, but hey, that’s too easy and too expensive, right? That’s why I have no other option but to start training my eyes to see any difference.
I have to take an eye test before and after the challenge, so here are the results: -2.0 diplomas on both eyes before the challenge. Let’s hit the workout. The training itself is quite easy. Sit down and make yourself comfortable. Warm up your eyes by blinking for 30 seconds to oxygenate and moisten your eyes. Then intensify the blinking for another 30 seconds.
The next few minutes, focus on something in front of you and just move your head left and right without moving your eyes off the object. Additionally, try some patterns. The critical part is that you move your head as far as you can. If it’s a bit exhausting for your eyes to stay in place, then you are doing everything right.
After that, take a break while blinking for another 30 seconds. For the next exercise, keep your head straight while your eyes move around. You can do it in many variations: left to right, up and down. And my favorite is scratching the fence. I mean, look up as far as possible, then move your eyes to the left and right. You can also look as far as possible to the left, then move your eyes up and down. Try to create a little stretch in your eye muscles. When you feel discomfort or pain, you are trying too hard.
The last exercise is the most important one. Close your eyes for 5 seconds and open your eyes when I count down from five to one.
So, let’s try to hit 100 subscribers with this video. Just kidding.
The sessions took approximately 10 minutes each day, and I used a specific tool, some fancy glasses called pinhole glasses. It’s a very interesting feeling, but after a few minutes, you will get used to it, and your eyes will see much clearer in the distance. For example, I can read the lowest part of this paper while standing here wearing the pinhole glasses. I can take a step back and still see the smallest letters from this distance. I wear them for 10 minutes every day, and it even seems like the effect lasts after taking them off. If you want to read about some benefits, you can look up these studies, and the good part is they are pretty cheap. You can find a link in the comments below.
But what we all want to know is, do eye exercises actually work? After 30 days, I returned to the optician, and I was shocked about the results I’ve got. Perfect vision? Well, not exactly. 1.75 diplomas on both sides. So, my vision increased by 0.25 points, and I noticed that I could see details in my daily life more clearly.
All in all, for some eye conditions, eye exercises can be useful to maintain or even improve vision and relax your eyes. However, to determine whether the improvement in vision continues or there will be a limit, this must be done over a longer period of time. Eye exercises may not be a cure, but I’m sure that every eye condition can benefit from these exercises.
That’s it. Spend more time outside, move your eyes properly, and stay in progress. Now, it’s your turn.