Exclusive Body Cam Footage Captures Chaotic Arrest of 18-Year-Old in Crystal Lake

In this exclusive body cam footage, an 18-year-old named Ellie G. Masukovic is seen being questioned by police officers in Crystal Lake. The officers had received complaints about her swerving on the road and stumbling. Despite the officers‘ attempts to investigate, Masukovic becomes increasingly uncooperative, refusing to let them search her car and resisting arrest. She is eventually charged with assaulting five police officers and resisting arrest and held on a $20,000 bond.

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How does this happen?

Key Insights:

  • On December 6th, Crystal Lake police respond to a call about 18-year-old Ellie G. Masukovic swearing and stumbling on the road.
  • Bodycam footage captures the incident and shows the police officers approaching Masukovic and questioning her about complaints of swerving and stumbling.
  • Masukovic attempts to divert the topic and denies any wrongdoing, but the police officer spots alcohol bottles in her car.
  • Despite Masukovic’s resistance, the officer insists on searching her vehicle, stating probable cause due to observing alcohol.
  • Masukovic continuously argues her rights and refuses to cooperate, leading to her being placed under arrest for illegal consumption of alcohol by a minor.
  • Throughout the video, Masukovic remains defiant and hyperactive, disregarding the officers‘ instructions and escalating the situation.
  • The police officer attempts to calm Masukovic down and offers alternative options, such as calling her sister or paying a fine to her parents.
  • Masukovic’s resistance escalates, resulting in her getting restrained with handcuffs due to her behavior and safety concerns.
  • Even in handcuffs, Masukovic continues to resist, leading to a more thorough search and additional charges of aggravated battery.
  • Masukovic is ultimately held on a $20,000 bond for assaulting five police officers and resisting arrest.


On December 6th in Crystal Lake, police respond to a call regarding 18-year-old Ellie G. Masukovic swearing and stumbling on the road. You won’t believe what unfolds next. Get ready for the exclusive body cam footage capturing this astonishing incident.

Officer: I’m Officer with Crystal Lake Police Department. We’re just talking to you because we got a couple complaints that you might have been swerving on the road.
Ellie: Okay.
Officer: We need you to step out. You’re gonna come and talk with us over here. Put your butt right against there. This officer is going to ask you some questions.
Ellie: I just… I’m on my music a lot, the music.
Officer: Do you have your ID on you? I can check.
Ellie: It’s right here.
Officer: Okay, do you know what time it is right now?
Ellie: Around 6:30.
Officer: Actually, it’s 7:15. What did you do when you left his house?
Ellie: I went to the store to buy some presents. I was looking for products like vitamins.
Officer: We have two people calling in saying that you were swerving on the road and stumbling. Can you explain?
Ellie: I’m fine, I’m not doing anything wrong.
Officer: When I opened your door, I saw the bottle of vodka. We may need to search your vehicle.
Ellie: You don’t have the right to search my car without a warrant.
Officer: I do have probable cause because I observed alcohol. I have the right to search your car.
Ellie: No, you don’t. I have a right to not let you search my car. You can’t search my car without a warrant.
Officer: If you don’t cooperate, I’ll have to put you in handcuffs.
Ellie: You can’t search my car without a warrant!
Officer: I’m placing you under arrest for illegal consumption of alcohol by a minor. We need to go to the police department. Please calm down.
Ellie: Take off the handcuffs. You can’t search my car without a warrant.
Officer: I can’t remove the handcuffs right now. We need to ensure your safety.
Ellie: I’ll sit in the car if you take off the handcuffs.
Officer: I can’t remove them right now, but I’ll call your sister. We can figure this out together.
Ellie: Just take me home. I want my sister to pick me up.
Officer: We need to go to the police department, but I’ll call your sister for you.
Ellie: Please just take the handcuffs off.
Officer: If you calm down, we can resolve this peacefully. You need to stop fighting.
Ellie: I can’t wear these handcuffs. They hurt.
Officer: Please stop fighting. We’re trying to help you.
Ellie: Please take off the handcuffs.
Officer: We need to move you. Please calm down.
Ellie: I won’t go in the ambulance. My stomach hurts.
Officer: We’re here to help you. Please cooperate.
Ellie: My wrist hurts. I can’t be in handcuffs.
Officer: Just relax. What kind of music do you like? We can play some music to calm you down.

[Later, Ellie is charged with assaulting officers and resisting arrest.]

Ellie G. Masukovic was charged with assaulting five police officers and resisting arrest during a traffic stop. She was subsequently held on a $20,000 bond.